Ways To digital news organizations can generate revenue

How to make money with a news website

Consumers want to access news stories straight away, and they can do that through the internet. However, while there’s certainly an opportunity for digital-first journalism outfits to attract new readers, there are still challenges. Monetisation is one of them.

Online, on the site

There are other on-site sources of revenue, though. Some large news organisations have resorted to using paywalls with their websites, which require readers to sign up for a subscription so that they can access premium content (or any content at all, in some cases). These have been met with mixed responses, but the basic idea is that all online content should come at a premium. Companies also pay publishers to run sponsored advertorial content.

A site’s web ranking can impact revenues, too. Increasingly, publishers are investing in SEO experts and practices to help get their sites at the top of search engine listings. As an integral part of internet marketing, SEO plays on the mechanisms of how search engines work, using things like optimal keywords to increase the website’s ranking

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Online, off the site

Of course, publishers have other online real-estate to consider as well. In particular, social media is a big part of the puzzle when it comes to success in online journalism. By having a presence on sites such as Twitter and Facebook, news sites can gain more readers. And the more followers a media brand has, the bigger the opportunity to make money.

As well as running sponsored content online, news publishers have been known to run advertisements and promotions on their social media feeds. This works well for publications that have amassed a significant amount of organic followers over the years. Although there are question marks about ethics in this area at times, such activity is typically clearly labelled as ‘sponsored’

Offline, on-brand

Some websites run their own award events, and these can happen in both B2B and B2C contexts. A website covering consumer goods may recognise the best products of the year, while a typical business news website may hand out awards to the most promising entrepreneurs and startups. Whatever the case, companies usually come on board as corporate sponsors.

Offline, off-brand

Publishers often undertake consultancy work in specialist departments and keep it separate from their own content. Third-party brands will pay proven publishers to create original content to promote products and services. Brand content can be anything from feature-length articles to advertising campaigns.

By going with the consultancy arm of a respected publisher, companies have access to journalists and other media professionals who are at the top of their game. That said, content doesn’t always come down to the written word. In a bid to boost revenue, firms can also offer expertise in fields such as photography, filmography and online marketing.


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