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Barcode Generator
This Simple PHP Barcode Generator is a PHP script that generates and displays dynamic barcode data that can be integrated into any web application. Easily generates PHP barcodes on any compatible website from a single script file.
Calculator Script
Simple php calculator Code which allows to do calculation using different basic operators. Simple script allows you to calculate integers like multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and module. The calculator script allows user to choose various operators for calculating the values. User can enter their own values for calculating required answer. Quick response and easy to integrate.
Monthly Calender
This Simple PHP Barcode Generator is a PHP script that generates and displays dynamic barcode data that can be integrated into any web application. Easily generates PHP barcodes on any compatible website from a single script file.
Multi Image Uploader
Most cases, a single image is uploaded at once. But sometimes you have a requirement to upload multiple images at once. In this tutorial, we will show you how to upload multiple images using PHP. Multiple image upload allows the user to select multiple files at once and upload all files to the server in a single click.
Password Generator
A simple PHP password generator password that generates unlimited passwords where you can choose what characters and the amount inside the password giving you maximum customization in making very secure passwords.
The sunset or sunrise time information may useful for something like giving the appropriate salute to an user given the current time of the day, or other more complex situations that depend on knowing whether it is day or night where an user lives.
Url Shortner
URL shortening is a technique in which a shortened URL is used to direct to the same page as the longer address. URL shortening uses an HTTP redirect technique, which facilitates the multiple URL availability for specific Web pages.
Weather Forecast
We have got some awesome PHP scripts using which you can add various weather-related details on your website. This is a simple Weather PHP Code which allows users to fetch detailed weather information with ease.
Yearly Calender
This code is further developed to generate PHP yearly calendar and can be a part of and advance PHP script for a event with a calendar requirement. The script can be used to navigate to any month or year.